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Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The following questions are in a True/False format. The answers to these questions will frequently depend on remembering facts, understanding of the concepts, and knowing the statistical vocabulary. Before answering these questions, be sure to read them carefully!


If on average y increases as x increases, the correlation coefficient is positive.


Pearson's correlation coefficient, r, does not depend on the units of measurement of the two variables.


The value of Pearson's r is always between 0 and 1.


If r is close to 1, then the points lie close to a straight line with a positive slope.


The slope of the least squares line is the average amount by which y increases as x increases by one unit.


The least squares line passes through the point tf006-1.jpg.


The slopes of the least squares lines for predicting y from x, and the least squares line for predicting x from y, are equal.


If tf008-1.jpg, the standard deviation of y is equal to the standard deviation of the residuals.


The standard deviation about the least squares line is roughly the typical amount by which an observation deviates from the least squares line.


A transformation, or reexpression, of a variable is accomplished by substituting a function of the variable in place of the variable for further analysis.


The higher the value of the coefficient of determination, the greater the evidence for a causal relationship between x and y.


The value of the residual plus tf012-1.jpg is equal to yi.


The coefficient of determination is equal to the positive square root of Pearson's r.

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