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Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The following questions are in a True/False format. The answers to these questions will frequently depend on remembering facts, understanding of the concepts, and knowing the statistical vocabulary. Before answering these questions, be sure to read them carefully!


An outlier is an unusually small or large data value.


The quantity tf002-1.jpg often gives a rough estimate of the appropriate number of intervals in a histogram.


A curve with tails that decline more rapidly than the tails of a normal curve is called a heavy-tailed distribution.


The density of a class can be calculated by multiplying the relative frequency of the class times the class width.


A pie chart is most useful for numeric data.


For stem and leaf plots with single-digit leaves, commas must be used to separate the leaves.


One advantage of histograms is that they may be used for large data sets.


If the upper tail of a distribution stretches out farther than the lower tail, the distribution is negatively skewed.


In a scatter plot, both the horizontal and vertical axes must be set at zero.

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