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Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The following questions are in a True/False format. The answers to these questions will frequently depend on remembering facts, understanding of the concepts, and knowing the statistical vocabulary. Before answering these questions, be sure to read them carefully!


The entire collection of individuals or objects about which information is desired is called a sample.


Methods for summarizing data make up the branch of statistics called inferential statistics.


A primary use of inferential statistics is to make generalizations from a sample to a population.


A data set is discrete if the possible values are isolated points on the number line.


Frequency distributions can only be used with categorical data.


The relative frequency for a particular category is the number of times the category appears in the data.


Dotplots work best for small and moderate sized numerical data sets.


Bar charts should be used with categorical data.


A data set consisting of many observations of a single characteristic is a categorical data set.


A data set is multivariate if it consists only of numeric variables.

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