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Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The following questions are in a True/False format. The answers to these questions will frequently depend on remembering facts, understanding of the concepts, and knowing the statistical vocabulary. Before answering these questions, be sure to read them carefully!


By definition, a simple random sample of size n is any sample that is selected in a manner to guarantee every individual in the population has an equal chance of selection.


Clusters are non-overlapping subgroups of a population that have been identified as homogeneous.


Blocking is a technique that can be used to filter out the effects of extraneous factors.


Response bias can occur when responses are not actually obtained from all individuals selected for inclusion in the sample.


Selection bias can occur if volunteers only are used in a study.


Stratified sampling is a sampling method that in no way involves simple random sampling.


Increasing sample size will generally eliminate bias in a sample.


A placebo is identical in appearance to the treatment of interest, but contains no active ingredients.


A study is an observational study if the investigator observes the behavior of a response variable when one or more factors are manipulated.


In a well-designed experiment, the factors are confounded whenever possible.


As long as the sample size is small relative to the population, there is little practical difference between sampling with replacement and sampling without replacement.


A treatment is any particular combination of values for the explanatory variables.


Two factors are extraneous if their effects on the response variable cannot be distinguished from one another.


Random assignment to treatments will guarantee groups that are exactly alike for experimental purposes.


The method of control wherein an extraneous variable is held constant is called blocking.


Random subpopulations of a population are called strata.


A control group provides a baseline for comparison to a treatment group.


Random assignment of volunteers should result in comparable experimental groups.


If the subjects as well as the person measuring the response are aware of the treatment assigned to the subject, only single-blinding is being used.


Replicating in an experiment means that the number of subjects is greater than 1.

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